Make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20)
1) To impart a mission’s heart into the members of the House of the Lord
2) To provide opportunities for the House of the Lord to pray for missions
3) To provide training to empower people to be effective in missions
4) To provide a variety of short-term mission trip opportunities. Our focus is mission trips to places where we can develop meaningful relationships and partner with people on the ground, training and equipping them to make disciples.
• Our desire is for every member of the House of the Lord to go on one short-term mission trip, encouraging them to do at least one trip a year
5) To support Kingdom workers in the field with whom we have ongoing relationship with prayer and encouragement
6) To financially support active Kingdom workers on the ground. They can either be local people, with whom we have relationship, working amongst their own people in ministry, or missionaries sent from our church to work cross-culturally.
• Our desire is for every member of the House of the Lord to give monthly into the Faith Seed to support these Kingdom workers
7) To develop intentional relationships with other churches and missions organizations to activate meaningful participation in the Great Commission.